Saturday, March 23, 2024

Appreciation and celebrations

 Over the last two years, many people from various walks of life have well earned their walk and page in records of the World.  Each come from various careers, lifestyles, religions, and influence and leave their marks upon us. 

I am looking forward to writing several posts of a ton of individuals who I know and am learning about.

I wait to share them with you while these words may reach them.


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Occupation to Kill ---jr high assignment

  A cool breeze came through my open window. The room had me exhausted. It was hot and stuff. I couldn’t find anything to do, since my last assignment. I had been told to stay inside for a while, because my employer and his partner thought my job would wear me out. I said I loved it; my occupation was to kill. Last night I received a call from Mr. Hacque, my employer. He told me my next assignment would last for months and years to come. I asked him what it was, and he said, “to Kill Dr. Watn.” Dr. Watn is and was the most famous doctor in the world. He discovered a cure for cancer, a single shot in the neck, feet, and waist: Goomise gloomis, cured by boiling mushrooms telling the patients to eat the mushrooms to clean their systems out: an Ausulon, a disease to the bowls, cured by bathing in baby oil and warm water. I couldn’t kill him. Dr. Watn had a seminar to attend two weeks from now and I plan to kill him thn. It might not be easy so I should start my planning and operation in hand. First, I decided to learn a floor plan of the Hall he is to attend; I think it’s Dempsy. Second, I had to buy the kind of gun that after it’s fired once it will self-destruct: I could get one easily by my personal dealer, Mr. Kp Mackenzie. Kip’s about five feet five inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, medium build, and for the last touch a housewarming smile. He is always happy and delighted to do business. I called him up and he told me he would have it ready whenever I wanted to come and retrieve it, but I had to call first. One and one-half weeks had passed; it was time for me to retrieve my order for the gun. I called Kip. He told me I could pick it up when I was ready. I was-that very same day. Today was the day Dr. Watn planned to speak on personal hygiene and disease. The Hall was supposed to be full. What a sight to see, Dr. Watn falling down spilling with blood, and no one would know what happened, not Kip, Mr. Abacque, and I. His opening words were, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” then I let him have it. You should have seen his face. He grabbed his chest in agone and then there was this ear-splitting explosion; it was the gun. I left the building confident as could be. Little did I know someone was following me. I figured I was considered a loose end, because of the way I purchased the gun, I guess. I heard this nap behind me; I turned around. This man, about thirty-five years of age, medium height, medium weight, black hair, and brown eyes said, “I’ve had my eyes on you. I was hired to watch you.” “Wdo you have to watch me?” I asked. “You are a very loose end. After Dr Watn was shot, you left right away and didn’t even show any interest in what had happened. Don’t you know that he, the doorman, was watching you and the rapidity with which you left.” “He could have thought I was going for help,” I replied. “He was in too much of a shock.” “No!” he replied. “Now I must perform my job,” he reiterated. He laughed and laughed as he shoved me into a back alley. A rat ran across the way, and I screamed. He laughed and called me a little sissy. I punched him in the mouth and that was my last straw. I heard his gun sap. He pointed it to the back of my head. “Now say your prayers, preppy,” he grunted. I told him I do what I want. He pulled the pistol and I fell down, crying. I knew what it felt like dying and don’t know who shot you. So, with the little strength I had left, I wrote a confession and prayed that they found it and put my employer in jail. 198

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Your invitation to celebrate and appear on the International Virtual Stage of Dr. Forbes Riley, the Queen of Infomercials

Dr. Riley and team has nominated me for an outstanding mentor and most likely to help others.

Join me on this international stage and receive a virtual gift bag, hear from others, and find some valuable information for your businesses.

Most of all I trust you are able to support me.

Click on the link to order your $29 ticket.




Monday, November 6, 2023

You're everything that's darling (creating in jr. high writing class)

 You're everything that's darling

you're everything that's sweet.

I wish you were around to be

my valentine treat.©LPI

Hopes and dreams

Hopes and dreams but

they never come true

spend all my time

thinking of you  ©LPI

Keep trying

Through obstacles and hard 

times and great depressings.

God will always see you through

Keep trying to reach your goals

Whatever happens to you, keep

trying and striving to reach 

your goal and never let anything

get you down, keep trying.  ©LPI

The 'like as' Poem

Snow is like a soft white kitten

Snow is as white as a white kitten

It feels soft as a cotton ball

Snowflakes fall as quietly as a snoring baby

It feels as cold as ice

on my tongue it taste

like a nice cold glass of water

when it has fallen I can play with it. ©LPI

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Jungle (junior high composition)

All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. An original written when I was very young. (junior high)
The Jungle
The jungle became eerie as darkness fell. There was a Very heavy smell, which reminded me of cow manure in the countryside. The deeper I traveled into the jungle's depths, the stronger and worse it became. Inside my stomach, i experienced the feeling of a lump hitting the lining of my tummy. This discomfort increased. My fears increased. Now I wish I wouldn't have had this accident.
It all began when I was exploring the jungle depths from an airplane. Suddenly, the engines sputtered, I was out of oil. The plans was going down a mile a minute. I hit the ground and flames surrounded me. Determined to escape, I crawled out into the muddy soil. It felt like quicksand. I thought I was sinking. I started analyzing my plans for escape. I heard a roar behind me and I was on the run.
I began to follow footprints in the soil. I was traveling further and further into the jungle depths.
suddenly, the roars subsided and the jungle was quieted. I turned only to find myself staring into the large, white beady eyes.
Panicking i ran smack into a tree. Half-conscious and aware I ran into another tree.
I was doomed. Slowly, what appeared as hours it approached me. Spying a brush behind me, I attempted to dodge by diving into it. The animal became infuriated. It darted toward the brush. Escaping its furiosity, I rolled smack into the tree again.
When I became conscious, animals were enclosing in on me. They were going to eradicate me. I could now panic this was the time. It was my last chance.
I boldly jumped up trying to scare the animals away. Sweat was now streaming down my back. With tears in my eyes, I yelled an impotent scream. The animals didn't budge. I knew it was the end, the came closer and closer. I screamed. I tried to run. I fell over my foot. The animals snapped of my head. And now, I roam the jungle.
((the assignment was to use the spelling words, create a word and write a scary story...)

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Funny how things turn around

Words are very powerful.  Translations and interpretations run rapid.  Have you ever experienced a pronunciation of a word that changed depending on where or with whom you spoke? 

Let's just take on example: many pronunciations and meanings does it have?

How about vandalism=spray paint or signs and pictures=graffiti=graffiti art=street art=murals=commissioned works of art on a wall or side of a building=commissioned art around town?

What words have you seen change during the course of time?  Who comes to mind with each type?

Words and Art= Power and self-expression=create change.....

Thanks for your contributions to this discussion.

sy smith

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life is a Journey

 Life is a journey.  Treasure each and every moment.  Today while watching tv. I heard someone quote a boxer "Joe H" .  The quote said "I have been knocked down and out many times but the one that really matters is the fact that I got back up."  Now if I am correct that came from the show "V".  So get up!  

WoW!  What a revelation.  Which one matters for you getting knocked down or getting up and winning?