Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Gift

It is during this season that we see people sharing and caring for each other family, friend, and stranger alike. Is it the expectation of something great, or the fact that we are expected to surprise one another with some object that shows we care?

Perhaps, it is the fact that we took time to think about someone else. St. Nick gives to those who have been "nice." But, do you recall the greatest gift of all? Jesus, the one who God sent. The message of love was very clear. To leave a comforting home and come to a place that appears cruel and hard, competitive and cold to ensure that someone else has joy, peace, and a way to a brand new life.

What a message!!! Can our greatest gift be to show someone else we care about them? Perhaps, our joy comes from knowing that we have sacrificed for someone else and have helped them.

We can determine who we are and what our communities become.

Have a great holiday season. :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Overcoming Challenges

Have you ever been told that you can't do something? What about you can do something but with limitations?

I am sure that we have all had similar situations. But, it takes a persistent heart and dedicated mind to overcome those barriers. Achieving goals is one of them.

I was watching a wonderful South African film entitled, "Yesterday." The story line is powerful and the emotions it evokes keep the viewer watching and guessing. The most impressive part is that the main character holds out until she completes a goal. Overcoming...if this isn't one movie that portrays that theme.

But this frequently happens in real life. When someone tells me that I can't, I look for the opportunity to show that I can.

Share some of these experiences. I look forward to reading them.


Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Father's Day.

Make the most of it and enjoy life. Write a letter to your children and seal it with a bag of love.


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Has there ever been a time when you were more excited for someone else than you were for yourself? Well, that occurred to me two days ago.

My sister went to a presentation by President Obama. As she was towards the end of the line in a standing room only crowd, she figured that she would only catch a glimpse of the motorcade and surely would not see the President well from the audience. But, little did she know that God's favor was in order. She and her friend were asked to take seats on the platform. She sat in the second row. What a wonderful view she had!

This was awesome as she was not only able to see him upfront and nearly able to reach out and touch him, but is also in many of the media shots. I love it!

Needless to say, when this occurred all I could do was scream in the car! It was like that Michael Jackson effect. People scream even when he isn't in front of them. Or, it could be the Jesus effect. People screamed for him miles away. I am so excited all I can do is keep laughing.

This was extremely special as she was motivated to participate in the health care forum and stays on the mailing list. She forwards the emails we receive from the Health Department and is awaiting another community forum call.

Any yet, God's favor shows.

I would just like to thank the hostess and security as well as the President for allowing her to experience such a wonderful occasion.

Her daughter was scheduled to attend the inauguration, but wasn't able. Events like this will serve as fillers for that. I can't wait for my niece to meet him.


Monday, March 9, 2009

The Dead Horse
What do you do if you are riding in the desert and your horse drops dead? Dismount!!!
This was a wise saying that I have heard many times before. I asked some people that and have ended up with various answers. As a matter of fact, someone told me that if the horse is running and nears death, perhaps, he could ride and whip it so that it may get him somewhere. No, the horse is dead it is not going to take you anywhere. You will get to your destination faster if you walk.
The dead horse can represent many things: actions, job, relationship, friendship,hobby, etc.... Many people look at the horse when they come to a crossroad. Some dismount and some continue to holler "Giddy up horsie. Let's go."
What are some common dead horses?

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This week's browse of forums showed that abortion is this week's hot topic. Questions and comments ranged from the spiritual to the aspect of "unjust child support laws."

I was wondering about personal responsibility prior to becoming pregnant. I began to question at what point do we to start push changing the mindset and saying "think about the choice you make." Is it not a possibility that you will create a life when you choose to commit the act? There is something to be said about "old school" training and the aspect of personal responsibility. There are many ways to delay a pregnancy. What about careful planning or thinking before acting?

Both the man and the woman have obligations. Why is paying child support considered a punishment?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog.

Let me start by saying this blog will take you on a journey. A journey to explore the many facets of life..blah blah blah blah. Fill in the blank.

Let's discuss our most recent election to the highest status of office. President Obama is on the move. I would say that he has studied the economy and how to improve it by looking at the course of time.

I also believe that the openness of his office will allow citizens the opportunity to vent; thereby allowing for a sigh of relief to cross this country. Kudos!
