Saturday, February 14, 2009


This week's browse of forums showed that abortion is this week's hot topic. Questions and comments ranged from the spiritual to the aspect of "unjust child support laws."

I was wondering about personal responsibility prior to becoming pregnant. I began to question at what point do we to start push changing the mindset and saying "think about the choice you make." Is it not a possibility that you will create a life when you choose to commit the act? There is something to be said about "old school" training and the aspect of personal responsibility. There are many ways to delay a pregnancy. What about careful planning or thinking before acting?

Both the man and the woman have obligations. Why is paying child support considered a punishment?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog.

Let me start by saying this blog will take you on a journey. A journey to explore the many facets of life..blah blah blah blah. Fill in the blank.

Let's discuss our most recent election to the highest status of office. President Obama is on the move. I would say that he has studied the economy and how to improve it by looking at the course of time.

I also believe that the openness of his office will allow citizens the opportunity to vent; thereby allowing for a sigh of relief to cross this country. Kudos!
