Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life is a Journey

 Life is a journey.  Treasure each and every moment.  Today while watching tv. I heard someone quote a boxer "Joe H" .  The quote said "I have been knocked down and out many times but the one that really matters is the fact that I got back up."  Now if I am correct that came from the show "V".  So get up!  

WoW!  What a revelation.  Which one matters for you getting knocked down or getting up and winning?

Original Poem (Intellectual property of Sy Smith)

                                        Dwellers of the Unknown City

Dwellers of the unknown city

hoping searching but lost in pity

to them the sky holds no limit

but reaching there only takes minutes.

Greed is the root to all evil

taught here in the uncivilized unknown city

by sysmith