Monday, November 6, 2023

You're everything that's darling (creating in jr. high writing class)

 You're everything that's darling

you're everything that's sweet.

I wish you were around to be

my valentine treat.©LPI

Hopes and dreams

Hopes and dreams but

they never come true

spend all my time

thinking of you  ©LPI

Keep trying

Through obstacles and hard 

times and great depressings.

God will always see you through

Keep trying to reach your goals

Whatever happens to you, keep

trying and striving to reach 

your goal and never let anything

get you down, keep trying.  ©LPI

The 'like as' Poem

Snow is like a soft white kitten

Snow is as white as a white kitten

It feels soft as a cotton ball

Snowflakes fall as quietly as a snoring baby

It feels as cold as ice

on my tongue it taste

like a nice cold glass of water

when it has fallen I can play with it. ©LPI