Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just When

Have you ever heard the saying that "Just when you are about to give up, that is when your breakthough comes"? Let me share a couple of examples with you.

There are a couple of great examples that I have heard my parents refer to plenty of times. Of course, there are the Biblical ones. Abraham, who chose to follow an order, was at the point to sacrifice his son. He gave up but just when he thought that he was going to lose one, his breakthrough came. He saw the real sacrifice tied to a bush. How about the Noah and the family in the ark? Just when they were about to give up, the dove found a leaf and they saw a rainbow - breakthrough.

Let's take a look at our lives. For the children, during the school year, just when the year is dragging on and they are about to get tired, a day off is scheduled. Just when they need refreshers, reassurance comes.

For adults, just when we thought we couldn't survive, the telephone rings and someone gives us a kind word. Just when we are about to throw in the towel, a compliment comes. Just when we are at the end of our rope, the rope grows and morphs.

The next time you think, "I am not going to make it," just remember that your breakthrough comes just when you think you won't. Someone or something is set in your path to help. It may be a kind word, a song, or a prayer.

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